NIPM POMBOK || Operations Management Practice Standards

The need for a framework for the professional practice of Production and Operations Management (covering roles in manufacturing and service industries) is now obvious in a rapidly evolving digitally driven global business environment where professional competency standards have become critical to success.

NIPM POMBOK || Operations Management Practice Standards

The Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM)




President & Chairman of Council.

Nigerian Institute of Production Management-NIPM Nigeria



The need for a framework for the professional practice of Production and Operations Management (covering roles in manufacturing and service industries) is now obvious in a rapidly evolving digitally driven global business environment where professional competency standards have become critical to success.


There is need for clarity of expectations of employers and the labour market in terms of knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes required for effective performance of Operations Management.


Aspiring professionals, those looking forward to a successful career, new entrants into the field or persons who need to transform their career paths or professionals who want to advance their careers in Operations Management need guidance on the key focus areas. This will help them to fast track their career journey, especially with the practice -based learning and developmental experiences facilitated by NIPM professional certification, diploma and membership networking programmes.


Nigerian Institute of Production Management- NIPM Nigeria was founded in 1987 and registered in 1998 as a professional body with the objects to promote, advance and regulate the standards of professional practice of Production and Operations Management in Nigeria. As a professional authority, providing a complete and balanced guide to professional practice and ethical compliance standards is imperative.


For close to 40 years the Institute has been able to make meaningful impacts in industry and the public sector through its excellent education, training, certification, diploma and membership programmes as well as through research, publications, industrial visitations, consulting services, public lectures, workshops, seminars, annual and extra-ordinary general meetings and national conferences.


Nigerian Institute of Production Management- NIPM Nigeria is a leading professional higher education provider which helps people to learn and develop the skills and competencies required for successful careers in Production, Manufacturing, Logistics, Transportation, Supply Chain and General Operations Management.


This NIPM POMBOK publication may interest public policy makers and implementers, especially the relevant directorates in the Federal and State Ministries of Education, councils of higher educational institutions, academics and students in the Universities, Polytechnics and Monotechnics. It will be of particular interest to Employers, Human Resources Directors and Managers, CEOs, COOs, Operations Directors, Manufacturing Directors, Heads of Plant Operations and Factory Managers, Learning and Development (L&D) Managers, Management Consultants, NIPM Members and Students and others who need a reference document for learning and self-development.


Researchers, authors, publishers, writers, educational administrators, teachers, curriculum designers, students and practitioners of Production and Operations Management will find NIPM POMBOK as an essential companion.


The Production and Operations Management Body of Knowledge – POMBOK as a comprehensive learning and development model has been diligently structured to provide a thorough understanding of the core knowledge, skills and competencies required for effective professional practice of Production and Operations Management. NIPM POMBOK is intended to enhance the horizon of knowledge of Production and Operations Management Professionals.


Gain deeper insights and wider perspectives from NIPM POMBOK. It captures the essence of Operations Management as well as associated fields of logistics and supply chain, safety, maintenance, quality and project management.


Unleash your potential, maximize your possibilities. Scale up your career in Operations Management. Drive operational excellence!


Happy reading.

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