Our Focus and Road to Excellence

You are welcome to NIPM- the Association For Production, Supply Chain And Operations Management or NIPM Nigeria. The world we live in today couldn’t have existed without production.

Our Focus and Road to Excellence

You are welcome to NIPM- the Association For Production, Supply Chain And Operations Management or NIPM Nigeria. The world we live in today couldn’t have existed without production. The moment production stops every other thing stops. All knowledge stems from, and revolve around production. The value of all arts, engineering, sciences and technology is hinged on production. All operations including supply chain operations reside within and hovers around production to provide utility for customer satisfaction, stakeholders value and for sustainable development. The management of production and operations remains a key weapon of competitive advantage. This is the secret of industrialized nations with strong economies, the leading world class organizations and the wealthy and most influential people in the world. At NIPM we focus on the following tenets to drive our lofty objectives and goals:  The identification and articulation of critical success factors associated with the practice of production and operations management.  The definition of body of knowledge of production and operations management (POMBOK) with a view to establishing, promoting and enforcing professional performance standards.  The specification of standards of professional practice and ethics as a foundation for regulation.  The provision of opportunity for professional education, training and development of all interested persons as an avenue for the improvement of productivity, safety, quality and generally improved managerial effectiveness for organizational competitiveness, profitability, sustainability and national development.  The promotion of membership value added (MVA) and the broadening of pathways for our members to succeed in their careers/businesses and provide leadership in organizations, institutions and the society.  As you can see, these are lofty ideals for which mankind globally and especially Nigerians and Africans must be proud. Please, join hands with its on this journey to excellence. We started 32 years ago when I was pioneer national secretary and here we are, in a race without finishing line Sincerely yours,


Dr Olaniyi Opanuga, FNIPM, CPM, COM, COSM, COPOM© President/Chairman of council NIGERIAN INTITUTE OF PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT (The Association for Production, Supply chain and Operations Management) June 8, 2019

Dr Olaniyi Opanuga, FNIPM, CPM, COM, COSM, COPOM©
President/Chairman of council
(The Association for Production, Supply chain and Operations Management)
June 8, 2019

About Us

The Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM) as the nation’s pioneer association of production and operations management has been in operation for over 20 years. NIPM is a notable professional development facilitating institution (PDFI).

For Training & Membership

The Registrar
Nigeria Institute of Production Management
Acme House, 23, Acme Road,
Ogba Industrial Estate,
P.O. Box 7798, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

Tel: 08023140750

Quick Contact

Email: info@nipmnigeria.com.ng

Tel: 08023140750, 08066411565, 08069006671, 09023194157

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