Best Training Institute & Certification in Nigeria.

Nigerian Institute of Production Management- NIPM is the best training and certification provider in Nigeria for persons pursuing careers and organizations involved in production, manufacturing, logistics, supply chain and general operations management.

Best Training Institute & Certification in Nigeria.

The Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM)


Nigerian Institute of Production Management- NIPM is the best training and certification provider in Nigeria for persons pursuing careers and organizations involved in production, manufacturing, logistics, supply chain and general operations management.


NIPM is a leading national professional body known for organizing high quality training courses and top certification programmes in all the States of the Federation of Nigeria.


As a professional association for production, manufacturing and operations management NIPM helps you to start and build a successful career and ensure that you run profitable business operations.


NIPM conducts staff training, certification, diploma courses and membership programmes nationwide.


Call or send WhatsApp Message to 08023140750, 0806900667, 08066411565, 09023194157or send in your mail training and certification to explore accredited and recognized professional courses. Gain qualifications for your career advancement and business improvement. Enroll for NIPM education, training, certification, diploma/PGD courses and membership programmes in your State or Local Government Area.


Nigerian Institute of Production Management-NIPM is a leading national professional body involved in the provision of education, training, certification, diploma/PGD courses and membership programmes in all the States of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja.


Nigerian Institute of Production Management-NIPM is the topmost training institution for manufacturing and production organizations and careers in operations, logistics, supply chain management and associated fields.


NIPM is the first choice for leading organizations nationwide when it comes to staff training, recruitment and allied consulting services.


Employers trust NIPM as a world class manufacturing and operations management professional body in Nigeria.


Break free from unemployment and low-paying jobs.

Get ahead with NIPM Certification, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, PGD and Membership Certificate.


Stay ahead. Be proactive about your present org future career and business.


Let NIPM help you to provide the vital support required for long- lasting success.

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For Training & Membership

The Registrar
Nigeria Institute of Production Management
Acme House, 23, Acme Road,
Ogba Industrial Estate,
P.O. Box 7798, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

Tel: 08023140750

Quick Contact


Tel: 08023140750, 08066411565, 08069006671, 09023194157

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