WHAT WE DO – NIPM Operations Management Regulatory Institution in Nigeria
Before you choose the best trainers, consultants and institutions for production, logistics, supply chain, quality, HSE, Security, Maintenance and General Operations Management you need to evaluate your goals and values.
WHAT WE DO – NIPM Operations Management Regulatory Institution in Nigeria
Before you choose the best trainers, consultants and institutions for production, logistics, supply chain, quality, HSE, Security, Maintenance and General Operations Management you need to evaluate your goals and values.
You need to weigh the costs and benefits.
Is the organization duly registered and accredited? What is the quality of its faculty, programmes and facilities? Who are its clients and products? What predegree?…
Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM provides excellent technical, technological, engineering and management training, education and consultancy services with reputable organizations as clients.
Become a member, train with us, take a certification or diploma/PGD course, make contributions to our journal or newsletter, operate by NIPM Code of Ethics and Practice Standards or otherwise, participate in any other Institute’s programmes. Welcome to NIPM!
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