Professional registration of Contractors, Suppliers, Project Consultants in Nigeria.

Register with NIPM as Corporate Member if you're a producer, manufacturer, supplier or contractor who need to deliver industrial projects, products and services with excellent customer experience in mind.

Professional registration of Contractors, Suppliers, Project Consultants in Nigeria.

The Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM)



Register with NIPM as Corporate Member if you’re a producer, manufacturer, supplier or contractor who need to deliver industrial projects, products and services with excellent customer experience in mind.

Get qualified with CAPMP, CAPM Certifications and SCAPMP NIPM Membership Certificate to improve your operational efficiency across the supply chain operations – upstream, midstream and downstream for increased customer value in B2B/B2C, providing scientific, engineering, technological and technical services, manufacturing and delivery of industrial products and services in line with customer specifications.

Don’t bid for contracts without project production and operations management knowledge and expertise or engage in project management from your own background alone or with limited competencies and experience. That’s why most projects fail. So much project management theories that people can’t apply on project sites to satisfy clients/customers. It may get to a point we think learning and development or professional association should take a back seat because we are the industry or market leader or for other reasons. This is a slippery road that will inevitably lead to failure.

Professionalism cannot be ignored in a highly competitive business environment and rapidly changing world.


Learning and development are never ending. Innovation is key to sustainable success. Before you know it you’re overtaken by competition if you jettison professional learning and development.



If your clients or customers are involved in production and operations you need professional operations management competencies that will enable you to adapt project management knowledge and skills to deliver quality projects (products/services) within budget, timely, safely, reliably and sustainably in their environment.



Project Production Management (PPM) is critical to successful project delivery. NIPM advocates PPM because it enables you to apply operations management principles for resource optimization and successful project delivery.


Put simply, project is a production type, method or system. So when you’re handling a project understand that you need to know how production systems and processes work to deliver customer value. If you don’t get the fundamentals right there’s no piles of project management certification or engineering degree will help you to deliver maximum customer value.


For instance, we have project manufacturing, manufacturing project management, construction project management, oil gas project management et cetera. These are forms of project production management (PPM).



Become a member of Nigerian Institute of Production Management-NIPM


Manage, execute and deliver complex projects with professionalism and ethical integrity.


Nigerian Institute of Production Management – NIPM Nigeria is the professional body that regulates the practice standards of Production And Operations Management.


Project Managers, Engineering Managers, Facilities/Plant/Utilities Maintenance Managers and Engineers, Technologists and Technicians report to Head of Manufacturing Plant/Factory, Site/ Project Operations or Director of Operations.




Persons designated as Production/Manufacturing and Operations Managers are involved in overseeing projects at any scale from start to finish (initiation – closure) and ensure successful project life cycles. Engineering, R&D/ Technical, Logistics and Supply Chain teams also handle projects.




Unprofessional production and operations management is the chief cause of project failure followed by corruption, poor planning, hiring of non- professionals and use of unskilled manpower, non- observance of codes of practice standards, poor communication, poor relationship among the stakeholders, lack of appropriate quality management system, inability to follow specifications and procedures, inability apply appropriate principles, tools and techniques etc.

Poor tendering, bidding and estimating, poor understanding of the phases of the project life cycle, poor risk management, poor resource management etc.

Most cases of underperformance and career failures in project management are due to production inefficiency or low productivity, operational ineffectiveness and lack of ethical integrity.




You need to understand the big picture and be able to navigate your career path to success in the particular sector or industry you have chosen.




Project managers and engineers work in production organizations. Look forward and think beyond today. See what is on the horizon. You are also engaged in operations management, but you may be ignorant of this. What does your future career need in terms of knowledge, skills and competencies for effective performance?


Start acquiring the qualifications now. Grow to become a director, COO or CEO. Plan ahead to stay ahead!



What is SCAPMP?

Society for Certified Applied Project

Management Professionals- SCAPMP


Propel your career or business with NIPM Certification, diploma, advanced diploma and post graduate diploma courses and membership of the Society for Certified Applied Project Management Professionals – SCAPMP, a division of Nigerian Institute of Production Management- NIPM Nigeria.


Acquire knowledge, skills and qualifications in Project Management with a blend of Production, Supply Chain and Operations Management. Stand out and get noticed for elevation!




Expand your horizons.

Earn agricultural, mining, energy (electricity, oil and gas), construction, manufacturing and service industry recognized and accredited world class standards – based professional qualifications to boost your employability, career transformation, job competencies, professional capabilities and ethical integrity for enhanced performance and career growth.


Explore NIPM Nigeria professional certifications, diploma, advanced diploma and post graduate diploma (PGD) courses and membership to prop your professional development and career advancement in applied project management, transport and  logistics operations management, shipping  operations, fleet operations, production and manufacturing plant/factory management, supply chain management,  procurement, contract administration and project management, warehousing, HSE and security operations management, quality control and quality assurance management, customer service, facilities and plant maintenance/engineering management and general operations management.




To achieve the MNIPM qualification you must pass qualifying exam or possess any NIPM professional certification in Applied Project Management, Production Management, Logistics Management, Manufacturing/Factory Management, Supply Chain Management or Operations Management – CAPMP, CAPM, CPM, CLM, CIPM, CMM, CFM, CSCOM or COM or any other NIPM approved certification.


Also, you can apply for MNIPM through academic/research/teaching, projects, consultancy, entrepreneurial and industrial or public service practice exception routes.


Full Membership (MNIPM) certificate is awarded by Nigerian Institute of Production Management-NIPM in recognition of professional attainment of persons involved in production, manufacturing, logistics, project, supply chain and operations management practice, research, teaching or consulting at senior management level for not less than 10 years or top management level for not less than 5 years.


A minimum academic qualification of BSc. Logistics or NIPM Certification/Advanced Diploma, PGD or equivalent.


How NIPM benefits production, project, manufacturing, supply chain and operations management professionals?


Membership certificate of Nigerian Institute of Production Management-NIPM is awarded in recognition of knowledge, skills and competencies of an individual.


Your professional registration by NIPM demonstrates that you have attained a nationally recognized standard of competence and acknowledges your commitment to maintaining that competence with ethical integrity in the future.


For effective performance a valid proof professional competence and expertise is usually required by employers, clients, government and international agencies. Your NIPM Membership tells the world who you are professionally. You need NIPM Membership Certificate to boost your C.V/personal profile and to project the right image, for personal recognition, career advancement, credibility and status.


Purpose of NIPM Membership Certificate.


Production, manufacturing and Operations Management including   supply chain and logistics operations involve multiple professions. You need professional registration as a proof of competence and evidence of standard attainment.


If you practice or wish to practice a profession your professional certification and membership matter. Validating your knowledge, skill sets and abilities will enable you to earn the attestation. Earn the respect, recognition and reputation you deserve in the workplace, business circles and the Society.


Generally, membership of a professional body is a mark of competence, expertise, integrity, excellence, credibility and commitment to professional standards, code of ethics and associated values.


Nigerian Institute of Production Management- NIPM Nigeria (Association for Production, Supply Chain and Operations Management) is a professional body that promotes and regulates the practice standards of Production And Operations Management (including the logistics and supply chain operations).


Your NIPM membership certificate is a proof that you possess the right knowledge, skills and competencies for effective performance of production, manufacturing, supply chain and operations management roles and suchlike.


Without such validation from NIPM you cannot confidently  present yourself to employers, clients or customers, colleagues, business associates, government agencies, international bodies, friends and even your subordinates or teams to be a professional in the field of production, supply chain and operations management who is committed to high standards of professionalism.


Cost of NIPM Membership in Nigeria.


How much does NIPM Membership cost in Nigeria?


Cost of NIPM individual membership registration is between ₦45,000 and ₦198,000 depending on the grade.


Membership registration fees of Nigerian Institute of Production Management- NIPM are as follows:


Fellow: ₦198,000

Honourary Member: ₦150,000

Full Member: ₦120,000

Associate Member: ₦95,000

Affiliate Member: ₦75,000

Graduate Member: ₦60,000

Student Member: ₦45,000


How to Register:

Obtain Application Form #15k payable to NIPM Zenith Bank Account No. 1011701292.


Further enquiries: Tel./WhatsApp: 08023140750, 08069006671, 08066411565, 09023194157.


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For Training & Membership

The Registrar
Nigeria Institute of Production Management
Acme House, 23, Acme Road,
Ogba Industrial Estate,
P.O. Box 7798, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

Tel: 08023140750

Quick Contact


Tel: 08023140750, 08066411565, 08069006671, 09023194157

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