The privilege extended to Logistics Directors/Managers and Supply Chain Directors /Managers to become members of the Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM) according to Dr Olaniyi Opanuga is to enable them to maximize their career or business growth opportunities, broaden their horizons and scope of capabilities for high performance in the face of waxing competitive challenges and continuing global changes generally.
The globalization of new knowledge is transforming the ways business operates. The logic behind the theory of Logistics and Supply Chain Management is that there is a paradigm shift in thinking and the manner of getting things done for competitive advantage.
Walls of specialisms and departmentation are fast collapsing into new rules of collectivism, cross functional roles, internal and external partnerships, alliances and collaboration along the global supply chains from the primary source of raw materials through to manufacturing and delivery of quality products and services to the customers and consumers.
NIPM enables you to explore your full potentials and rise to the pinnacle of success as an employee and in own business through its innovative multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary networks for building competencies and professional bonding with integrity.
By sharing professional knowledge, information,best practices and values within the NIPM Membership Network Logistics and Supply Chain Managers will have wider perspectives of production and operations and extend the frontiers of possibilities.
Logistics and Supply Chain Managers in many organisations work in Operations or report to Operations/Manufacturing Directors. Supply Chain Directors oversee manufacturing/operations and report to the Managing Director, CEO or President who oversee the company’s business operations. Logistics and Supply Chain Management are about Production and part of the overall/ general Operations of an organisation.
Logistics and Supply Chain Directors and Managers need broad mindedness and the required depth of knowledge in Production And Operations Management. They don’t only work in production environment- making goods or providing services but they are involved in day- to- day Operations of their organisations!
The capability of all Logistics/Transport/ Warehousing/ Purchasing/ Procurement/ Distribution/ Materials/ Inventory and Supply Chain Officers and Supervisors should be developed for operational efficiency and effectiveness.
NIPM is the institution founded in 1987 and registered in 1998 to promote, advance and regulate the standards of professional practice of Production And Operations Management in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
NIPM operates 5 units to advance your professional development in the fields of Logistics Management and Supply Chain Management. These are as follows:
*School of Logistics And Supply Chain Management (SLSCM) for Certification, Professional Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Post- Graduate Diploma Courses. You can enroll on these Courses Online and finish in a few months with increased knowledge and confidence.
*Society for Logistics And Transport Operations Management (SLTOM) for Membership Certification.
*Society of Stores, Warehousing And Materials Management (SOSWAM) for Membership Certification.
* Society of Certified Purchasing And Procurement Management (SCPPM)
* Society for Certified Supply Chain Management Professionals (SCSCMP) for Membership Certification.
Visit us at 23 Acme Road, Ogba Industrial Estate, Ikeja, Lagos or call 08023140750, 08069006671, 08066411565, 09023195157 for your Registration Enquiries.
The Registrar
Nigeria Institute of Production Management
Acme House, 23, Acme Road,
Ogba Industrial Estate,
P.O. Box 7798, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: 08023140750
Tel: 08023140750, 08066411565, 08069006671, 09023194157
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