Persons who should be registered with NIPM to demonstrate their competence and commitment to ethical values include operations directors, factory/manufacturing plant managers, construction managers, agricultural/farm managers, oil and gas managers, mining managers, production managers, operations controllers/managers, project managers, logistics/supply chain managers, facility maintenance and engineering managers, security operations managers, quality assurance and quality control managers, safety, health and environmental (SHE) managers, procurement/purchasing, stores, warehousing and materials managers, transportation/shipping managers, public service operations managers, customer service operations managers and other executives performing operations management roles, functions and responsibilities. Production/operations officers, supervisors and technicians are not excluded.
Who Should Be NIPM Registered?
Persons who should be registered with NIPM to demonstrate their competence and commitment to ethical values include operations directors, factory/manufacturing plant managers, construction managers, agricultural/farm managers, oil and gas managers, mining managers, production managers, operations controllers/managers, project managers, logistics/supply chain managers, facility maintenance and engineering managers, security operations managers, quality assurance and quality control managers, safety, health and environmental (SHE) managers, procurement/purchasing, stores, warehousing and materials managers, transportation/shipping managers, public service operations managers, customer service operations managers and other executives performing operations management roles, functions and responsibilities. Production/operations officers, supervisors and technicians are not excluded.
Operations Professionals are registered as Fellows, Full Members, Associate Members, Graduates and Affiliates.
For further enquiries, whatzapp message to 08069006671, 08023140750, or call: 08066411565, 09023194157
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