What are the career paths in logistics and supply chain operations management?
Career paths in logistics and supply chain management include roles like sourcing operations planning, demand/supply planning, procurement/purchasing, material control/inventory control, transportation/shipping import/export, store keeping/warehousing, production/packaging manufacturing operations, materials management, distribution, customer service, product/service development, quality control, logistics analysis/data processing information systems, forecasting/sales planning, storage facility, depot management, retail marketing and other areas of supply chain manager’s job is good as there are vast opportunities to advance through the stages of your career if you are visionary, ambitious, committed, professionally competent and goal-driven.
What are the career paths in logistics and supply chain operations management?
Career paths in logistics and supply chain management include roles like sourcing operations planning, demand/supply planning, procurement/purchasing, material control/inventory control, transportation/shipping import/export, store keeping/warehousing, production/packaging manufacturing operations, materials management, distribution, customer service, product/service development, quality control, logistics analysis/data processing information systems, forecasting/sales planning, storage facility, depot management, retail marketing and other areas of supply chain manager’s job is good as there are vast opportunities to advance through the stages of your career if you are visionary, ambitious, committed, professionally competent and goal-driven.
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