NIPM Energy Academy – Electrical & Power Plant Training

Improve your electric power installation and maintenance systems with NIPM Energy Academy training progammes. Productivity, quality, cost, safety and efficiency matters when it comes to generation, transmission, distribution, sales and consumption. NIPM helps you to effectively manage and control your electric power supply chain for increased profitability.

NIPM Energy Academy – Electrical & Power Plant Training

Improve your electric power installation and maintenance systems with NIPM Energy Academy training progammes. Productivity, quality, cost, safety and efficiency matters when it comes to generation, transmission, distribution, sales and consumption. NIPM helps you to effectively manage and control your electric power supply chain for increased profitability.

Development manpower to maximize utilization of energy resources such as petroleum, nuclear, coal, natural gas, solar wind and hydroelectricity and improve power plant productivity and maintenance reliability has consistently been at the centre of Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM) Operations in the energy sector of the nation’s economy.

Energy production for sustainable development is critical to the nation’s growth and the health of the global economy. Industries need low energy costs to compete favourable in local and international markets.

NIPM Energy Academy train skills to help managers engineers, and technologists and technicians find ways of lowering the costs of energy consumption, increasing of power plants, and electro-mechanical technologies and increasing efficiency in the processes concerned with the procurement, purchasing, inventory control, installation and maintenance of electrical systems as well as the effective management of engineering workshops, stores and tool rooms.


Register as a Corporate Member.

Train your staff-managers, engineers, supervisors and technicians in electric power supply chain including those who carry out acquisition, functionality restoration and preservation functions installation, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment- Transformers, Generators etc, Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning (AVAC) System and Cold Room Systems etc. contact us: 08069006671, 08023140750


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For Training & Membership

The Registrar
Nigeria Institute of Production Management
Acme House, 23, Acme Road,
Ogba Industrial Estate,
P.O. Box 7798, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

Tel: 08023140750

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Tel: 08023140750, 08066411565, 08069006671, 09023194157

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