NIPM CFM, CMM, CPM Certifications in Nigeria.

Achieve the Certified Factory Manager (CFM), Certified Manufacturing Manager (CMM) or Certified Plant Manager (CPM) Certification as the industry standard for competencies in managing, controlling, leading and overseeing factory/manufacturing plant operations in Nigeria.

NIPM CFM, CMM, CPM Certifications in Nigeria.

Achieve the Certified Factory Manager (CFM), Certified Manufacturing Manager (CMM) or Certified Plant Manager (CPM) Certification as the industry standard for competencies in managing, controlling, leading and overseeing factory/manufacturing plant operations in Nigeria.

Become a Member (MNIPM) or an Associate Member (ANIPM) of NIPM as a mark of commitment to professional standards.

Demonstrate your commitment to professional values and encourage your subordinates to comply with professional regulatory standards as a Senior Member of    Company’s Management Team.

Every recognized profession has a body regulating its practice standards from accountancy to medicine. Your practice is professional and it is legally regulated by Nigerian Institute of Production Management- NIPM.

If you manage and oversee manufacturing plant or factory operations in Nigeria NIPM is your professional regulatory body. Comply with the law to maximize customer satisfaction, profitability and shareholder value.

Achieve career transformation with accredited and industry recognized NIPM Certifications.

Certifications in manufacturing, logistics and supply chain management awarded by the Nigerian Institute of Production Management -NIPM are as follows:

● Certified Production, Supply Chain and Operations Management Professional (CPSCOMP)

● Certified Operations Manager (COM)

● Certified Operations Management Professional (COMP)

● Certified Manufacturing Plant Manager (CMPM)/ Certified Factory Manager (CFM)

● Certified Quality Management Professional (CQMP)

● Certified Manufacturing Plant Management Professional (CMPMP)

●Certified Supply Chain Operations Manager (CSCOM)

● Certified Supply Chain Management Professional (CSCMP)

● Certified Production Manager (CPM)

● Certified Industrial Production Manager (CIPM)

● Certified Maintenance Operations Management Professional (CMOMP)

● Certified Logistics & Transport Operations Management Professional (CLTOMP)

● Certified Safety, Security, Occupational Health and Environment Environmental Operations Management Professional (CSSOHEOMP)/(SOMP)

● Certified Project Operations Management Professional (CPOMP)

● Certified Production Management Professional (CPMP)

● Certified Production Supervisory Management Professional (CPSMP) for Supervisors and Team Leaders.

● Production Operations Techniques Certification (POTC) for Process Employees- Machine/Equipment Operators, Utility Technicians and Factory Workers.

■ Top, Senior, Middle Management as well as Supervisory and Operatives cadres of manpower are covered by NIPM manufacturing, logistics and Supply Chain Management Professionals Certification process.


How to use NIPM professional designations? It is simple! If you’re a Member and you also have Certification in Operations Management- Certified  Operations Manager you can state your qualifications as follows; e.g. Emeka Oyewole Yakubu COM, MNIPM.


How NIPM membership works? Every profession has a regulatory professional body  that controls practice standards. The professional practice of Production and Operations Management is recognized not only in Nigeria but also all over the world. Nigerian Institute of Production Management- NIPM works to ensure that production and operations managers maintain dignified positions as competent professionals in organizations. NIPM certified professionals and members have sense of purpose, accomplishment and confidence. They share professional values and best practices in the workplace. They lead transformation and innovative teams for high performance.


How NIPM is transforming education from theory to practice in Nigeria?

The growing concern about the falling standards of quality of education at the tertiary level in the Country has further placed increased burden of dealing with the disconnection between theory and practice on the shoulders of professional bodies like the Nigerian Institute of Production Management- NIPM. The Institute has been working assiduously to bridge the gulf between theory and practice by building the capabilities of University and Polytechnic graduates, technical college and secondary school leavers with a view to making them job- fit in the labour market as well as preparing them for future career growth opportunities in the field of production and operations management, and this includes manufacturing, logistics and supply chain operations, service operations, financial operations, HR and administrative operations, marketing operations, safety and security operations, project operations, maintenance operations, quality operations, transportation, public service operations and general operations management.


Membership of Nigerian Institute of Production Management- NIPM can be clarified into corporate and individual members in different categories. Notable CEOs, COOs and directors are individual members nationwide and globally. Manufacturing and Operations Directors as well as controllers or General Managers can register with NIPM     by direct admission. Membership Certificate is issued to members with the right to use designatory letters such as FNIPM, MNIPM and ANIPM after their names as qualifications and mark of professional competence. FNIPM, MNIPM or ANIPM designation is earned as a proof of capability to perform professional production and operations management roles and responsibilities with ethical integrity.


Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM) leverages industry best practices to fill the knowledge and skills gaps associated with University and Polytechnic graduates by providing remedial education and training thereby improving the standards of quality of higher education in the Country.


As a professional body that regulates the standards of professional practice of Production and Operations Management in the Nigeria Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM) has been playing a key role in bridging the knowledge and skills gap between the academia and industry   through its professional certification, diploma, advanced diploma and post graduate diploma (PGD), membership, advocacy, public and institutional lectures and other programmes for over 35 years.


NIPM offers you the unique opportunity of professional development, a veritable global networking that ensures connection with others in your field and helps you to boost your personal profile. Employers, superiors, colleagues, clients and customers want to see your commitment to professional values. Recruiting

organizations are increasingly asking for professional certification, diploma  and membership of NIPM for manufacturing and  operations related jobs across the country. Generally, NIPM helps you to:

● Demonstrate possession of knowledge, skills and/ or competencies in respect of the job you are applying for or the promotion into a higher role you are seeking. NIPM Certification assures your qualification to perform a job. In addition to this; NIPM helps you to:

● Increase your marketability

● Get your dream job

●Earn higher salary as NIPM credentials will empower you to increase your earning power.

● Improve your professional credibility

● Increase your career prospects.

● Increase confidence

● Develop capability to anticipate and swiftly respond to change with appropriate strategies.

● Implement continuous improvement programmes in the workplace for world class results, etc.


This has been clearly stated earlier but we can add more. The conceptualization of the certification, diploma and membership programmes of the Nigerian Institute of Production Management- NIPM is premised on establishing and championing industry practice standards and improving the quality of manpower for enhanced organizational effectiveness in Nigeria. Corporate members will gain competitive advantage from superior professional production and operations policy, strategy and decisions. Individual members will build and improve competencies for enhanced career prospects. NIPM helps you to achieve the following:

● Earn a recognized professional qualifications for high paying jobs.

● Connect with your peers and prominent people in your industry which can provide the key you need to cross learn, obtain vital information and data, share best practices and open doors of employment, career growth and business opportunities e.g. bidding for project contracts.

● Earn respect in your workplace, among your superiors, colleagues and subordinates.

● Be recognized as a qualified professional by Clients/Customers, Business Partners/ Associates anywhere in the world as well as Government Agencies in charge of regulatory compliance.

● Project your organization’s professional values.

● Train and develop subordinates by professional standards.

● Increase capacity for problem solving and decision making

● Be able to drive innovation.

● Improve reputation and corporate image, etc.


NIPM Certifications are credentials earned to attest to or validate your ability to perform a job in production and operations at various levels of management; your commitment to continuous learning and development and your personal value of upholding industry standards.


Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM) is a value creation optimization and delivery standards regulatory body of professionals. Our members subscribe to professional ethics bordering on productivity, efficiency, reliability, safety, quality and efficient customer service delivery and overall operational excellence. NIPM plays a significant role in the nation’s manpower development efforts aimed at driving higher productivity for rapid economic growth.


As a regulatory professional body of all production and operations managers NIPM is concerned with improving production (i.e. manufacturing, agricultural, mining, energy, construction and services) including associated logistics, supply chain and general operations for greater competitiveness of organizations.

Production and Operations Management is critical to overall business success and specifically, it is  pivotal to the careers of operations, planning, project, purchasing, materials, logistics, transportation, supply chain and manufacturing directors and managers whose jobs involve managing production and operational people, systems and processes in order to ensure efficiency and effective flow of goods, services, finance and information for enhanced customer satisfaction, competitiveness, profitability, increased shareholder value and sustainability. Production and operations management roles cut across all public and private sectors of the nation’s economy.

The role of NIPM is critical to national development. Production and Operations Management which Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM) promotes is the bedrock of the national quest for industrialization, manufacturing competitiveness, productivity and economic growth.

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For Training & Membership, please contact:

The Registrar

Nigeria Institute of Production Management

Acme House, 23, Acme Road,

Ogba Industrial Estate,

Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

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For Training & Membership

The Registrar
Nigeria Institute of Production Management
Acme House, 23, Acme Road,
Ogba Industrial Estate,
P.O. Box 7798, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

Tel: 08023140750

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Tel: 08023140750, 08066411565, 08069006671, 09023194157

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