Manufacturing Plant Courses-Factory & Production Training
Check the internet for our for NIPM TRAINING CALENDAR 2022.
Manufacturing Plant Courses-Factory & Production Training
Attend NIPM Professional Operations Management Courses for Managers, Engineers, Supervisors, Technicians and Factory Workers. Learn foundational and advanced skills that are crucial to improved production line utilization, high quality, processing, packaging, storage/warehousing, reliable equipment and plant maintenance, energy savings and efficient utilities, lower supply chain and operational costs, improved occupational health and safety, better customer experience and improved productivity and more!
Register for our exceptional world class quality classroom, open, in-house or online courses for your staff. Executives, Managers and Supervisors can also register for Professional Certification, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Post-Graduate Diploma (PGD) and Membership (FNIPM, MNIPM, ANIPM) Programmes.
Check the internet for our for NIPM TRAININGCALENDAR 2022. For further enquiries, call: 08069006671, 08023140750.
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