Effective Communication And Technical Report Writing Skills
Poor Communication and technical report writing skills can ruin business, performance and relationships. Learn to plan, prepare and present the information and data with your audience experience and content value in mind. Let your message convey intended meaning in an objective, logical accurate clear, consistent, structured, concise, persuasive, complete, courteous and coherent language using appropriate illustrations, drawings, visual effects, charts, graphs and tables where necessary.
Effective Communication And Technical Report Writing Skills
Poor Communication and technical report writing skills can ruin business, performance and relationships. Learn to plan, prepare and present the information and data with your audience experience and content value in mind. Let your message convey intended meaning in an objective, logical accurate clear, consistent, structured, concise, persuasive, complete, courteous and coherent language using appropriate illustrations, drawings, visual effects, charts, graphs and tables where necessary.
Whether you are writing business, operational, engineering production, sales, project or any departmental divisional reports proposals or letters remember that you need appropriate knowledge of the fundamentals, techniques and applicable skills NIPM helps your workforce to improve oral and written communication skills for enhance job performance.
Get in touch with us: info@nipmnigeria.com.ng send whatsapp message to: 08069006671, 08023140750 or call: 08066411565, 09023194157
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