Certified Applied Supply Chain Management Professional (ASCMP)c /Diploma/PGD -CIAMA.

Be successful in your supply chain management career. Take a bold step towards professional development with a certification course, Diploma, Advanced Diploma and Post Graduate Diploma courses in Applied Supply Chain Management.

This programme is uniquely organised by The Certified Institute of Applied Management And Administration (CIAMA) in collaboration with the Council of Supply Chain And Operations Management, Nigerian Institute of Production Management ( NIPM).

You will learn/ be guided to acquire knowledge and skills for effective management of supply chain in any organisation beginning with the foundational supply chain management principles to process design/ improvement for effective flow of goods and services across the chain- involving Sales and Operations Planning, Sourcing/Procurement, Import/ Export/ Shipping, Inventory, Manufacturing, Warehousing, Logistics, Transportation, Distribution to the customers/consumers or end users,cross functional interfaces of end- to- end supply chain to optimized global supply chain policy and strategy with problem solving/cases and world class best practices to ensure width and depth for effective decisions and leadership of supply chain at top/ senior management level.

When it comes to CERTIFICATION, Professional DIPLOMA and MEMBERSHIP Employers look for legal validity, accreditation, applicability and integrity within the industry, quality and standards of learning content and general programme administration.

CIAMA weigh in the balances.

You Need CIAMA CERTIFICATION and DIPLOMA/PGD COURSES for knowledge,competencies,career/ business success and professional status.



The Certified Institute of Applied Management And Administration Ltd/Gte (CIAMA) is a non-profit professional certification body approved by the office of Attorney General of the Federation and registered by the Federal Government on 11th day of July 2011.


CIAMA CERTIFICATION IS UNIQUE. CIAMA remains the sole authority recognized by the Federal Government of Nigeria to regulate the professional practice and provide certification in Applied Management And Administration. Applied Management involves the practical application of management capabilities in a variety of business or organisational roles/functions such as Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Procurement, Supply Chain, Logistics, Engineering, Operations etc.



CIAMA was registered with the powers to promote high standards of professional practice and provide education, training, development, membership organisation and certification in all aspects of Management and Administration in the Federal  Republic of Nigeria and beyond.


CIAMA has the mandate to establish societies, centres and colleges and to produce certified managers, administrators, entrepreneurs and leaders.


Earn legitimate qualifications from authoritative institution focused on applied knowledge. Stand out of the crowd and give your career a head start. Get CIAMA  Supply Chain Management Professional Certification.


Other CERTIFICATION/Diploma/ PGD Programmes include:


  • Certified Applied Production And Operations Management Professional (APOMP)c

▪︎Certified Applied Purchasing/Procurement & Materials Management Professional (APMMP)c

▪︎Certified Applied Stores And Warehousing Management Professional (ASWMP)c

▪︎Certified Applied Quality Management Professional (AQMP)c

▪︎Certified Applied Production Management Professional (APMP)c

▪︎Certified Applied Manufacturing Management Professional (AMMP)c

▪︎Certified Applied Maintenance Operations Management Professional (AMOMP)c

▪︎Certified Applied Project Management Professional (APMP)c

▪︎Certified Applied Human Resources Management Professional (AHRMP)c

▪︎Certified Applied Learning And Development Professional (ALDP)c

▪︎ Certified Applied Sales And Marketing Management Professional (ASMMP)c

▪︎Certified Applied Customer Relationship Management Professional (ACRMP)c

▪︎Certified Applied Management And Administration Professional (AMAP)c


CIAMA MEMBERSHIP:Register with CIAMA as a Member. You will be able to participate in membership activities such as meetings, workshops, receiving publications and Membership Certificate with the rights to use the letters- FCIAM, MCIAM, ACIAM.


Receive Membership Application form @ #7,500 . Membership Registration fee from #25,000



From  #120,000  Certification Examinations/ Test/ Project Online

Duration: One Week.



From # 95,000  ( Training Lectures or Online/Examinations/Tests/ Project .Duration: 3- 6 Months

  • Combined Professional Certification with Professional Certificate/ Diploma/ Advanced Diploma/ PGD qualifies for 20% Discount.


To Start,  visit our office or call 08023140750, 08069006671

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Ogba Industrial Estate,
P.O. Box 7798, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

Tel: 08023140750

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Tel: 08023140750, 08066411565, 08069006671, 09023194157

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