Certification, Diploma & PGD in Customer Service Operations Management.

Build your career in customer service operations and relationship management with recognized and accredited professional certification, diploma, advanced diploma and postgraduate diploma-PGD administered by Nigerian Institute of Production Management-NIPM School of Operations Management.

Certification, Diploma & PGD in Customer Service Operations Management.

The Nigerian Institute of Production Management (NIPM)

Build your career in customer service operations and relationship management with recognized and accredited professional certification, diploma, advanced diploma and postgraduate diploma-PGD administered by Nigerian Institute of Production Management-NIPM School of Operations Management.


Every organization needs executives, managers and employees to be in charge of Customer/Client Relations and Customer Service.

The right CRM and CSM policies, strategies and procedures are critical to an organization’s success.


Be armed with the tools, techniques, knowledge and expertise to deploy appropriate resources, technology and systems to create and drive the required changes, orientation, culture and values for optimum business operational performance.


Organizations need to engage with their customers, improve customer experiences, provide innovative and leading-edge solutions, optimize customer lifetime cycle, build strategic relationships, improve brand loyalty and credibility and associated lifetime value for long term success.


Your employment and career prospects after graduating from NIPM School of Operations Management are very bright.


You will be able to improve performance on the job and gain rapid promotions after completing NIPM School of Operations Management programme.


Earn higher salary and rise to the pinnacle of success in Customer Relationship and Customer Service Operations Management.



Customer Service Operations Management Professional – CSOMP in Nigeria.


Get CSOMP Certification awarded by Nigerian Institute of Production Management-NIPM School of Operations Management to drive your career forward in Customer Service Operations and Customer Relationship Management.


Certification in Customer Service Operations Management gets you armed with the knowledge and skills you need to:


  • Attract and retain satisfied and happy customers.
  • Boost Corporate Image and Sustain Reputation and Integrity.
  • Be able to create and deliver superior customer value.
  • Win and retain profitable accounts. Innovate for excellent customer experience.
  • Interface with the customers exceptionally and satisfactorily.
  • Increase loyalty and repeat business/purchases.
  • Build sustainable relationships.



Combine professional selling, product/ service marketing, brand management, logistics and supply chain management competencies.



Be able to manage projects and customer service processes for excellent business performance.



Lead and manage customer service team effectively and efficiently.



Understand the metric KPIs that drive customer service operations for competitive advantage.



Register now for your CSOMP CERTIFICATION if you’re interested in advancing your career in Customer Service Operations and Relationship Management.



2 – 5 days Training with Exam.

Online/Self Study/Project Options.



75k per day for 2 – 3 days; 65k for 4- 5 days.


Curriculum- based Guided Self- Study and Online Exam – 4 weeks ₦195k.


Book your CSOMP Certification Course!


The Registrar,

Nigerian Institute of Production Management,

Plot 23, Acme Road, Ogba Industrial Estate, Ikeja, Lagos.

Tel./WhatsApp Message: 08023140750, 0806900667, 08066411565, 09023194157.

E-mail: info@nipmnigeria.com.ng


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For Training & Membership

The Registrar
Nigeria Institute of Production Management
Acme House, 23, Acme Road,
Ogba Industrial Estate,
P.O. Box 7798, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria

Tel: 08023140750

Quick Contact

Email: info@nipmnigeria.com.ng

Tel: 08023140750, 08066411565, 08069006671, 09023194157

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